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Fees shall be determined further to consultation with the client.  Client and lawyer will enter into a retainer agreement (Act of Parliament known as Loi n° 2015-990 du 6 août 2015)

Lawyer’s fees may be calculated on the following basis:

Fees based on hourly rate

The lawyer will inform the client of the applicable hourly rate and indicate how much time the file (review and attendances) will likely require.  He/she will explain the hourly-rate, which may vary depending on the matter that is dealt with and the seniority of the lawyers assigned to the matter. A higher hourly rate may be agreed-upon if the nature or complexity of the matter so requires.

Lump-sum fee

Client and lawyer agree on a fixed and definitive fee. All attendances covered by that fee must be specifically indicated.

Extra contingency/conditional fee

In addition to the remuneration based on hourly rates or lump-sum fee, Client and Lawyer may agree on an extra fee, which will be contingent upon the outcome of the matter or service performed and must be specified in the retainer agreement.


Pursuant to Sections L.612-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code (Code de la consommation), should a dispute arise with a lawyer, you may appeal, free of charge, to the Consumer Ombudsman (Médiateur de la consommation), acting as the national ombudsman to the French Council of Bars/Law Societies (Conseil National des Barreaux or CNB).  His contact details are as follows:

Jérôme Hercé, Médiateur de la consommation de la profession d’avocat
Postal Address:  22 rue de Londres, 75009 Paris
Website: (in French only)

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