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SK.M Crossborders

43, boulevard du Montparnasse
75006 PARIS

Tél : 04 67 17 93 34
Fax : 04 67 15 98 41

Company registration No. 794 114 132 00036 (Paris)


Sandra Karen MORIN

Hosting services

ZAC Aéroport - 125 imp Adam Smith - 34470 PEROLS


The WebSite and any work and material composing the WebSite, in particular any text, article, newsletter, brief, statement, presentation, illustration, photograph, software, digital animation, drawings, logos, etc., are and remain the exclusive property of the Law Firm.

The photographs reproduced on the WebSite are used under license.

Users are not allowed to reproduce, represent, display, modify, adapt and/or translate, whether in part or in whole and whether for free or for financial consideration, the WebSite and/or any work and material composing the WebSite, without the prior and written consent of the Law Firm.

As an exception to the foregoing, the Law Firm grants to Users the right to download on their personal computer the newsletters and any other documents which are made available to the Users, in a computer file form, for the express purpose of being downloaded by the Users. These files are downloadable through a hypertext link with the reference "download this document here" or any other reference specifying that the Users are allowed to download them. With regard to these files, and subject to specific provisions reproduced on these documents which will prevail over the Terms and Conditions, Users are allowed to keep a copy of the files downloaded and to print these documents only for private use. Users are not permitted to distribute these files to any third parties, including via e-mails, printed versions, distribution on any tangible medium and/or by making these files available on a server, whether on a public or a private network.

Any quotation ("courte citation") will reproduce the title of the document, the URL of the WebSite where the document is made available, the name of the author and, as appropriate, its date of publication and number.

Legal structure of the law firm SK.M cross borders

The Firm is structured as a Société d'Exercice Libéral A Responsabilité Limitée Unipersonnelle (selarlu) (a form of limited liability company for regulated professionals) and its charter and articles of association are registered with the Paris Bar Association ("Ordre des Avocats du Barreau de Paris").

Other provisions

The WebSite is strictly limited to personal use by the Users.

The WebSite and any documents, information and data provided therein are intended to provide non-exhaustive, general information relating to the Law Firm and its areas of business.

The WebSite and any documents, information and data provided therein cannot be regarded or interpreted as providing legal advice and/or as a canvassing, a solicitation and/or an offer of services.

Users are solely liable for any use of the information contained therein and the Law Firm shall not be held responsible for any damages, direct, indirect or otherwise, arising from the use of the information provided on the Website by the Users. The Law Firm does not warrant the access to the Website without interruption.

The Law Firm is not responsible for any information or material reproduced on third parties' Websites accessible through an hypertext link set out on the WebSite or in any documents downloaded from the WebSite.

Users are not allowed to create a link targeting the WebSite and any webpage and/or any material within the WebSite without the prior and written consent of the Law Firm.

© SK.M CROSS BORDERS selarlu 2018

Information close
Le cabinet vous souhaite une excellente année 2025 pleine de dynamisme et de réussite dans vos projets.  

Compte tenu de nouveaux objectifs, celui-ci cessera son activité pour une periode indéterminée


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